Saturday, September 17, 2005

Credit Score Misconceptions Snag Consumers -- and Loan Officers

Credit Score Misconceptions Snag Consumers -- and Loan Officers - "Consumers still have a long way to go when it comes to understanding credit reports and scores, according to two separate studies released this month. A study by the government's General Accounting Office, as well as one released by the Consumer Federation of America (CFA) and Fair Isaac Corp., both found consumers could correctly answer only about half of the questions posed to them about credit reports and credit scores. Fair Isaac Corp. is the developer of the FICO credit score used by most lenders to evaluate consumer credit risk"
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Hiring a Agent for the Biggest Sale of your Life: Your Home

: "Imagine you're the chief executive, hiring a contractor to whom your firm will pay thousands for professional services. No doubt you'd check references on the contractor before you engaged him.
Yet, as realty experts note, many homeowners take a more casual approach to picking an agent to sell their property. This is despite the fact that commissions can represent a tidy sum, especially in neighborhoods with high home values. 'A good percentage of agents are picked at random,' says Jim Cox, the broker-owner of two Century 21 offices."
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Increasing your credit score

North Texas e-News: "Good credit translates to lower interest rates for borrowers. Here
are just a few quick tips that can help put you in a better position under the discerning eye of an underwriter!
Do you have past due balances that have been neglected? If they are showing up on your credit report and you want to purchase a home, make sure you bring them up to current status whenever possible.
Do you have outstanding debt that you can afford to pay off right
now? Try to get these accounts down to a zero balance, or at least a lower balance. If your cash on hand doesn't allow you to do this, try to distribute the debt amongst other open credit cards. You can also consider opening a new "
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

The Turning Point: When a Big House is no Longer a Joy

It's a uExpress postcard!: "You know the bumper sticker, 'He who dies with the most toys wins'? Well, Cyndi Fritz, who has sold homes for 25 years, believes that more Americans than ever believe in that concept, however unconsciously. To satisfy their cravings -- and perhaps also to prove their worth to others -- more consumers now seek huge homes, or hang onto them after they've arrived at middle age or beyond.
'More people are reaching for that brass ring. It's always been true. But in the past people didn't do it with such voracity,' according to Fritz.
Yet even within a prosperous, highly competitive society, there are people who reach the point when enough is enough -- at least with respect to the size of their homes and surrounding property. Some people come to see an oversized estate as more of a burden than a joy to maintain. They yearn to give up their garden tools and travel. Still others cease caring whether others think they're successful by virtue of the size of their residence.
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.