Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Things a House Inspector Look for in Before You Buy a Home Foreclosures

Home Inspection Checklist - Home Inspectors
By Mike Plank

Although architectural details, wall and floor coverings, modern conveniences and many other factors are important in the buying decision, the focus of this inspection is on the structural/mechanical/electrical condition of the property.

The inspection is designed to give the real estate agent or prospective purchaser a system to detect some of the readily accessible major flaws or deficiencies in the significant components and systems of a home. It is not designed to, nor does it profess to facilitate detection of all flaws, problems or occurrences that might exist in any given home.

To maximize time efficiency and to ensure all of the major sections of the home are take into consideration, we have developed a systematized approach to the inspection. This is a simplified overview of systems that professional home inspectors use when they are inspecting a home.

To assist you in following the system, we have provided a checklist that will guide you through your own inspection.



The first step in inspecting a home is to examine the big picture for the home. Notice the area the home is located in. Are there other homes of similar age and construction details relative to the home you are inspecting? A comparison will give you a general idea of the upkeep of the home. Have there been significant modifications to the exterior of the building and if so, how is the workmanship?


Start at the exterior front of the house and work your way around the house (clockwise or counter-clockwise) at a distance which allows you to view a complete face comfortably. On each face (front, sides, rear) start your visual inspection at the top of the structure and work your way down to the ground and lot area. As an example, you would start at the front and note the roof and chimneys, the gutters, fascia and soffits. Then, moving down the exterior wall coverings (brick, wood, aluminum), noting windows, doors, etc. Examine any porches or decks down to the foundation, then the grade or slope of the lot area, followed by any coverings, such as flower beds, walkways, interlocking brick, driveways, etc. Move closer to the house, to examine more closely any details which may have attracted your attention, without skipping any items. Having completed the front, move to the side of the house and start the same procedure (roof to ground).


On the interior, begin your inspection in the basement and then follow the system throughout each floor in the house. The system for inspecting the interior is to begin with the floor, go to the walls and then the ceiling, and then consider any appliances or other items in the room. Move from room to room, always in the same direction (clockwise or counter-clockwise) so as to not miss any areas. If you see a door, open it!

In the utility room in the basement, first notice the floor, the walls (possibly the foundation walls are visible here), then the ceiling (floor joists may be visible), then go to the furnace, hot water heater, electrical panel, plumbing system, etc. When inspecting the floors, walls and ceilings, scan the entire area that is visible, not just one section.

In a finished room you would notice the floors, walls (including windows) and ceiling. Next look for the heat sources, electrical outlets and switches, fireplaces, closets etc. In bathroom or kitchen, notice the floor, walls and ceiling, then the plumbing fixtures.


While performing the inspection, whether at the exterior, the interior or one of the mechanical systems, note the system first, then its relative condition. For example, if you were inspecting a wall on the interior of the home you would first note that the wall is plaster, and then examine the wall for cracks and irregularities.


The following are some typical problems or occurrences to look for in the major components and systems of the home.


Is the ridge (peak) showing a sag, or is it straight and level?

Is the roof sagging between the rafters or trusses?

Are there any signs of deterioration of asphalt shingles, such as curling, wasping, broken edges, rounded corners or key holes (slits) becoming wider that normal?

Any loose flashings, at the chimney, roof-to-wall connection or elsewhere? Does the wooden roof deck appear rotten or delaminated under the last row of shingles?

Are there any roof vents visible?


Is the masonry cap cracked or broken? Are any bricks flaking or missing? Mortar missing? Is the chimney leaning?


Note whether the soffit and fascia are wood, aluminum or plastic Any loose or missing sections?

If wood, are there any paint problems? Any visible rot?


Ensure gutters slope down toward downspouts Any rust or peeling paint?

Apparent leaks or loose/sagging sections?

Are the downspouts extended away from the foundations?


Look for missing mortar

Are the bricks flaking or cracking?

Look for loose, missing or rotten siding, deteriorated paint.

Does the siding appear new? Does it hide the foundation wall?

Exterior walls bowed, bulged or leaning?


Look for problems with paint or caulking, and rotted wood components. Are the windows new or older? Are they the original windows?

How old are they?


Cracking or flaking masonry?

Check for paint problems, rotted wood, and wood-earth contact.

Note any settlement or separation from the house.

Inspect the underside, if accessible.


Check for cracks, flaking or damaged masonry.

Note any water markings and effluorescence (whitish, chalky substance) Any bowing, buldging or other irregularities?

Soft mortar?


Does the grade slope away from the house?

Any settled/low areas next to the foundation, or cracked walks/driveway? Is the property lower than the street or neighboring properties?


Note any evidence of water penetration (stains, mildew/odors, effluorescence, loose tiles etc.)


Check for deteriorated coverings or cracked ceramics. Any water staining or other damage? Sloping or sagging?


Randomly sample to check that the windows and doors work. Are the walls straight vertically and horizontally? Look for cracked or loose plaster. Look for stains, physical damage or previous repair evidence. Any drywall seams or nails showing?


Check for cracks in the plaster or loose, sagging plaster. Look for stains, mechanical damage or evidence of previous repair. Seams or nails showing?


Check that all fixtures are secure. Are there any cracks in the fixtures? Note the conditon of the tiles and caulking in the tub/shower area. Are the faucets working? Do they leak? Sufficient water pressure? Look for staining and rot under the counter-tops Randomly sample the operation of the cabinet doors and drawers.


Type, style and age of heating & cooling systems. When were they last inspected or serviced? Type of water supply piping and drains - any visible rust and corrosion? Size and age of electical service - are the outlets grounded? Visible wiring in good condtion? Have there been any upgrades?

Vist our website for a printable Pre-Inspection Checklist

Article submitted by the American Home Inspector Directory

American Home Inspector Directory - Home Inspectors Nationwide
National Directory of Home Inspectors. Search our database of Home Inspectors Free - Information on Home Inspections, Home Loans and Home Inspection Organizations.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/
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Art Galleries for the Connoisseur

There are apples and there are apples. While almost every
city in the world lays claim to a great art gallery, there
are very few that are globally recognized and famous.
People, art lovers, historians and the commoners all flock
to these art galleries travelling all across the world just
to see some of the master pieces that these galleries house.

Probably the most famous art gallery in the entire world is
the Louvre, located in Paris, France. The building itself is
a museum, but it's more widely known as being home to many
stunning paintings. The most famous of all is da Vinci's
Mona Lisa. Due to theft, and thankfully being returned,
security is extremely high. You will find other paintings by
Leonardo da Vinci, as well as other world class painters.

The Metropolitan Museum of Art, in New York City, is another
home to incredible works of art. For Americans, it's a great
place to see works by famous fellow countrymen, but there
are also important works from all over the globe. Some of
these are paintings and sculptures by Botticelli, Raphael,
and El Greco.

Our next stop is London, England, where the National Gallery
is situated. There you will find glorious works by the best
known artists of Europe. Some of the most famous are by
Raphael, Manet, da Vinci, Renoir, and Monet. True art lovers
will need to make a visit to this stunning gallery at some
time in their lives. Some paintings hanging there are:
Sunflowers, by Vincent Van Gogh; The Virgin of the Rocks, by
Leonardo da Vinci; and Venus and Mars, by Sandro Botticelli.

While most art galleries cater to the works of the 'greats',
in recent times many galleries have started focusing on the
contemporary arts of the twentieth century. Amongst the most
famous contemporary art galleries and museums in the world
is 'The George Pompidou Center' in Paris. The building that
house the George Pompidou Center itself is also totally
contemporary with all the ducts and piping on the outside.

The modern art galleries and museums often show furniture,
sound, light, and musical exhibitions. They also feature the
usually seen paintings, drawings, and prints. When you visit
one of the newer galleries, you will definitely notice how
times have changed over the decades, as reflected by the

Each major metropolitan center in Europe houses a
traditional national art gallery, a contemporary gallery,
and usually many art galleries - some of these may be
private. While most national galleries concentrate on
exhibits of art from the history of their country, these can
be of great learning value in understanding the culture of
the land. A visit to this assortment of art galleries is a
must do for every art lover.

If you are interested in purchasing some art, the above
mentioned art galleries won't sell you any of their master
pieces. Typically you will need to go to a private art
gallery to buy good art. You may not find Renoirs or Van
Gogh's, but there is plenty of beautiful art that you can
bring home. Art houses like Christie's often hold art
auctions that feature some stunning pieces that you can bid

Art is an important part of any history. Paying a visit to a
gallery can transport you back in time, where you can see
works produced by some of the most creative minds to ever

Clair Jons is the owner of FE Art,
a fantastic resource for information about

For more articles on Art why not visit:

Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Advertising in a Better Way

Having a good marketing plan is the first step on the road
to success. Many companies spend a huge amount of resource
establishing a strategy that is going to work for them.
However, times change and companies need to be able to
adapt their strategy to make sure that they stay ahead of
the game.

Do you ever change your marketing plan? Have you looked into
your plan and looked for ways that you might be able to
improve? This is a very important process that you need to
do every so often to be sure your marketing plan is up to
date. You need to take a serious look at your plan and
decide if you can improve upon it or your product in any

Questions that you need to ask yourself include: Do you
stay up to date with market developments? Do you know what
your competitors are doing? Do you react to these moves by
changing your appearance to give a new, fresh look? By
studying your market closely you can learn a huge amount.

Consider offering some one-off incentives to your
customers, both new and existing. This could be in the form
of coupons, vouchers or discounts. Make sure that you do not
overlook your current customers, as they may feel left out
if you do not include them in promotions.

Ease of use is a fundamental issue when it comes to
choosing a product. Bearing this in mind, you should
always be looking at ways to make your product more
convenient for your customers.

You also need to keep new customers in mind. You should try
not to get locked into any one niche so that you are only
marketing or appealing to one type of person. You should
look for ways to expand or to appeal to other people and
bring in more customers.

You should also listen to customer complaints and take them
seriously and learn whenever you can from things that may
have gone wrong. This is a great way to learn how real
customers feel about your product and how you can make it

By focusing on these issues you will be able to ensure
that your marketing strategy remains up to date on a
daily basis. This is vital if you are to grow your business
as time goes on.

masterpece di vendita is the webmaster and operator of
marketing masterpiece, inc which is a
premier resource for marketing information. For more
information, go to www.marketingmasterpiece.com for questions or
comments about this article, please visit:
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Making Serious Business in Home Foreclosures

Entrepreneurial Laboratory - Market Testing Prior To

"Entrepreneur's Laboratory" - that's what the Internet
has become over the last 10 years. Yes, it's was 1993 when
Marc Andreasen launched the first ever point & click
Internet Browser (Mosaic, 1993) on an unsuspecting world,
and the Internet for everyone was born! No longer did you
need to learn weird programming languages to use a computer.
As long as you could wag a finger, and recognise little
pictures on a screen, you could get your computer to do
things for you, and start communicating with other people.

Since these early days, the Internet has become a
galaxy of information spanning every topic imaginable, a
replacement for the phone, audio system, VCR, and even TV in
some cases.

However, from the standpoint of an entrepreneur, the
Internet's most compelling - and possibly life changing -
role is a medium that's not only instantaneously prosperous
but has low overhead expenses for direct mail advertising.

I'm not referring to corporate-style advertising seen on TV
that aims to win design awards and build brand image. I am
referring to advertising that calls you to do something, in
contrast to TV ads that leave you gently smiling and asking
"What was that all about?" This call might entail signing
up for further information, downloading an e-book, phoning a
customer center, or even supplying your credit card in order
to request goods & services online!

Setting up a magazine ad typically costs hundreds or even
thousands of $s, and takes weeks or months to get the
responses back. Imagine the contrast then, for the Internet
Entrepreneur who sets up a small ad for a few tens, or at
worst, a few hundred $s, and gets his first web site
visitors within minutes! This means that the performance of
the ad in that market can be measured, often in a matter of
a hours. So you know which campaigns will be profitable,
without risking a fortune to find out.

Is your business ready to grasp hold of this opportunity?
Will adding a new online operation make a difference in
revenue in your current business? Or do you want to launch
a completely new business venture online?

If you take into consideration how much of the payment,
ordering and fulfillment processes can be automated - along
with many aspects of the sales process too - then this
incredible technological medium contains tremendous
commercial power.

Even though breaking into this opportunity requires a range
of skills including copy writing, computer literacy and
direct marketing, there are really only two fundamental
actions required:

1. You must bring the right visitors to your website.
2. You then must persuade these visitors to perform desired

Simple? Yes, in principle. But in practice there are many
questions you need to answer on the way:
- who would be the "right visitors"?
- where can I find them?
- how can I get them to my website?
- are there enough of them?
- and once they get there, what should I be asking visitors
to do anyway?
- how many will do what I want them to?
- how can I improve on this?

To help clients increase their business's growth, the Direct
MO Marketing website (http://www.1dmom.com) applies
effective, simple solutions for determined online
entrepreneurs who want to attract the right visitors to
their business online.

Copyright 2005 Riki Trafford. All rights reserved.
Riki Trafford is the owner and operator of Direct MO
which offers low cost keyword-targetted web traffic.
For comments and questions visit his web site:

Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Keeping Fido in Your Newly Acquired Foreclosed Home

A Bed for Fido
by Carmen Lizern

Training your dog to sleep in his own bed can feel like
loosing battle if you aren't careful how you choose his bed.
While Fido may try to convince you that your bed might be
his best snoozing spot, he can quickly adjust to a dog bed
if you consider variables such as his sleeping manner, the
bed's size, his breed and his health.

A dog bed provides your cherished friend with essential
creature comforts. First of all, a bed provides the dog
with a place all its own and this provides a needed
feeling of security. The softness of the dog bed cushions
the dog~s joints just as a human bed cushions our joints.
The dog bed also keeps the dog off the cold and possibly
drafty floor, adding warmth and insulation. The dog bed
assists with the problem of dog hair in various places
in the house. Since dogs prefer to sleep on their own
bed, the dog hair and dirt will be on the dog bed and not
the couch. Besides helping to keep the pet off of the
furniture, the dog bed also helps to prevent stress and
injury to the dog~s joints that may be caused by jumping
on and off the furniture. When you provide your dog with
a bed of its own, you will find that it will become your
pet~s favorite place to sleep.

Selecting the right dog bed for your best friend is
important as there are many styles and fillings from
which to choose. Choosing the most suitable bed depends
upon several factors including the dog~s breed, age, and
temperament. A traditional flat, rectangular and soft dog
bed appeals to every breed of dog. The filling may vary
among polyester fill, shredded foam, solid foam, or even
aromatic cedar chips. While this style of bed has universal
appeal, it is most suitable for dogs who prefer to sleep
stretched out and on their side. To select the right size
rectangular bed for your dog, measure your dog while it
is stretched out in its sleeping position and add 12 inches.

The sheepskin-resembling oval nesting bed with high
sides and an inset pillow is another common dog bed.
Smaller breeds appreciate this style best since these dogs
tend to sleep in a manner often described as "tightly curled
up". Another breed that enjoys this style are the larger
hound dogs that often will curl up in it with or without
sides. What method of measurement works for this bed? Find
out how large your dog is while curled up and tack on
another 7 inches.

The older and arthritic dog needs extra support for sore
joints and an orthopedic bed is recommended. An
orthopedic bed provides this extra support through an
interior that is made of high-quality foam or even a box
spring construction similar to a regular mattress.
Orthopedic dog beds come in a variety of shapes to suit
the sleeping preferences of your dog.

Tucking in Fido at night is a lot easier and will come
automatically to him when you carefully consider his breed,
sleeping manner, size and age. Other issues to consider
when using a dog bed is how inviting the bed's condition is
to your dog. Fido will love his bed even more when you
remember to clean and wash it so he isn't forced to sleep
among unsanitary oils and dirt or big accumulations of hair.

Copyright 2005 Carmen Lizern. All rights reserved.
Carmen Lizern is the webmaster and operator of Faith
http://www.faithbed.com">Bed Inc which is a
premier on-line resource for bed related information.
For more details click on her archive of articles at:
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Legally Speaking - Check This One Out!

Find the best lawyer before you take your case to court

Whether you are a defendant of a plaintiff in a lawsuit you
are going to want the best lawyer to represent you. No one
thinks about ever being involved in a court case. So why
would you know what to look for in a quality lawyer to
represent you?

There are many different reasons why some one can be need
of a lawyers service. That is why there are so many
different lawyers to chose from. There are many areas of
law in which a lawyer can specialize. You wouldn't hire a
tax lawyer to represent you in a car accident case.

If your case is not as serious as something is like
malpractice or auto injury you may have a case for small
claims court. Now don't be embarrassed if you're not sure.
Not everyone knows which is the best angle to handle his or
her case. If they did there would be no need for a
consultation. This is usually a free sit down or over the
phone meeting with a lawyer. They are the experts on the
law and would know better if you were truly in need of
legal representation. If you have a case that is best
handled by a lawyer they then will discuss your options.
How much you are going to need to pay them. Some lawyer's
charge hourly and others will work on a flat rate. Either
way you should be prepared to pay a retainer fee.

Some lawyers work on what is called contingency.
Contingency is what the lawyer will earn if your case is
won. There is usually no up front costs for this. The way
it works is your lawyer will take around 33% of the money
awarded to you in your case. So if you had a case that was
for an award amount of $1500.00 your lawyer will take about
$500.00 or so.

Most people never anticipate being involved in a lawsuit so
it is not something you have pre set money set aside for.
So why would you throw it away on any lawyer? Just because
they seem reputable doesn't mean they are. You should be
prepared to ask questions of your own. A distinguished
lawyer will be prepared to answer all the questions you
have even if you might not think they are important. If
they are good they will have records of their experience
and success rate. That should be some tools to help you
feel more confident about who is representing you.

Being involved in a lawsuit is not a laughing matter. You
need to do your homework and chose a lawyer who is right
for your situation.

This is your money and/or reputation at stake. Don't make
the mistake of taking on someone who isn't going to do all
they can to win your case.

Allan Peters is the owner and operator of
http://www.dblawyer.com">Db Lawyer
an excellent place to find lawyer links,
resources and articles. For more information on this
article, please visit: http://www.dblawyer.com/

Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Know What's Fico Score is All About

What Is A FICO Score?
ByTim Gorman
Your FICO score or credit score as it�s commonly called is a very important calculation that can control whether or not you are eligible to receive credit and if eligible the terms you can receive credit under. Failure to understand the impact this score can have on you future purchasing power and lifestyle can be disastrous. This article will break down all the information you need to know regarding your FICO score.
As I mentioned above the FICO score is a numerical score that is based on your financial history as collected in your credit report. Creditors can use this number to evaluate whether or not you are able to pay a loan back on time.

The higher the score the more likely you are to pay off a loan on time and the less of a credit risk you pose."
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.