Tuesday, May 31, 2005

Making Serious Business in Home Foreclosures

Entrepreneurial Laboratory - Market Testing Prior To

"Entrepreneur's Laboratory" - that's what the Internet
has become over the last 10 years. Yes, it's was 1993 when
Marc Andreasen launched the first ever point & click
Internet Browser (Mosaic, 1993) on an unsuspecting world,
and the Internet for everyone was born! No longer did you
need to learn weird programming languages to use a computer.
As long as you could wag a finger, and recognise little
pictures on a screen, you could get your computer to do
things for you, and start communicating with other people.

Since these early days, the Internet has become a
galaxy of information spanning every topic imaginable, a
replacement for the phone, audio system, VCR, and even TV in
some cases.

However, from the standpoint of an entrepreneur, the
Internet's most compelling - and possibly life changing -
role is a medium that's not only instantaneously prosperous
but has low overhead expenses for direct mail advertising.

I'm not referring to corporate-style advertising seen on TV
that aims to win design awards and build brand image. I am
referring to advertising that calls you to do something, in
contrast to TV ads that leave you gently smiling and asking
"What was that all about?" This call might entail signing
up for further information, downloading an e-book, phoning a
customer center, or even supplying your credit card in order
to request goods & services online!

Setting up a magazine ad typically costs hundreds or even
thousands of $s, and takes weeks or months to get the
responses back. Imagine the contrast then, for the Internet
Entrepreneur who sets up a small ad for a few tens, or at
worst, a few hundred $s, and gets his first web site
visitors within minutes! This means that the performance of
the ad in that market can be measured, often in a matter of
a hours. So you know which campaigns will be profitable,
without risking a fortune to find out.

Is your business ready to grasp hold of this opportunity?
Will adding a new online operation make a difference in
revenue in your current business? Or do you want to launch
a completely new business venture online?

If you take into consideration how much of the payment,
ordering and fulfillment processes can be automated - along
with many aspects of the sales process too - then this
incredible technological medium contains tremendous
commercial power.

Even though breaking into this opportunity requires a range
of skills including copy writing, computer literacy and
direct marketing, there are really only two fundamental
actions required:

1. You must bring the right visitors to your website.
2. You then must persuade these visitors to perform desired

Simple? Yes, in principle. But in practice there are many
questions you need to answer on the way:
- who would be the "right visitors"?
- where can I find them?
- how can I get them to my website?
- are there enough of them?
- and once they get there, what should I be asking visitors
to do anyway?
- how many will do what I want them to?
- how can I improve on this?

To help clients increase their business's growth, the Direct
MO Marketing website (http://www.1dmom.com) applies
effective, simple solutions for determined online
entrepreneurs who want to attract the right visitors to
their business online.

Copyright 2005 Riki Trafford. All rights reserved.
Riki Trafford is the owner and operator of Direct MO
which offers low cost keyword-targetted web traffic.
For comments and questions visit his web site:

Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.


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