Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Buying a Home Foreclosures News: Does It Pay To Avoid the Mutiple Listing Service?

Does It Pay To Avoid the Mutiple Listing Service? | theledger.com: "In many parts of the country, the 2005 real-estate market is so hot that homeowners can sell without real-estate agents parading their customers through their digs.

The question is, when a seller skips the Multiple Listing Service, whose interest is served? The seller's, the agent's, or both?

A 'pocket listing,' or 'exclusive,' is a property that is being marketed through a real-estate professional but not available to the broader world of real-estate agents and customers "
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Buying a Home Foreclosures News: HUD to start over on mortgage reform

JS Online: HUD to start over on mortgage reform: "America needs stronger governance of home-mortgage transactions, but reform must be from the ground up, U.S. Housing and Urban Development Secretary Alphonso Jackson said Monday.

With that simple statement, Jackson completed his agency's March 2004 rejection of a sweeping mortgage-reform package introduced several years ago that would have required lenders to more fully disclose fees, charges and restrictions.
'HUD's job right now is to listen to you,' Jackson said Monday of his commitment to gauge public opinion. 'We begin today,' he said in a teleconference with the media. "
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Brand New: Credit Report Repair to Boost Your Home Buying Power

Credit Report Repair to Boost Your Home Buying Power: "Raising your credit score can be a fairly simple and straightforward process unless you have derogatory marks that need to be disputed (which will be explained below).
The reasons for bad credit can be as follows, high balances, bankruptcies, late payments, and many others. The most significant thing you can do to raise your score is to change your financial habits.

Chances are that if you have a bad credit score, you did something to make it that way. Here are some of the best ways to quickly raise your credit score:
1. The most obvious: pay off your debt! This doesn't include a home mortgage, but revolving balances such as credit card debt, a car loan, etc."
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.