Wednesday, March 16, 2005

Are You About to Face Eviction or Foreclosures while Your Spouse is Active Duty Military?

Are you one of the many spouses who's left behind at home while your better half is fighting for war on the other side of the world? What about your mortgage payments falling behind and the mortgage company is just about ready to foreclose on your home?

These things are surely another stress in your life that you don't want to face while being left behind by an active duty military member. But as what they say, there could still be light at the end of the tunnel.

There's a law in existence for 40 years called "Soldier's and Sailors Relief Act" reads in part: "No sale, foreclosure or seizure of property ... shall be valid if made during a period of military service."

Take the case of Sgt. Steve Walker whose about to lose his home from Well's Fargo's Foreclosures. See Kansas City Channel article.

Written by Resty Malia
Buying a Home Foreclosures