Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Home Equity Loans - Beware of Appraisal Fraud

Home Equity Loans Beware of Appraisal Fraud: "A new report by the independent Demos group has revealed what may not be a surprise to many people corruption is rampant in the home appraisal industry. The bust in the dot-com market of some five years ago has left would-be lenders with a surplus of cash to lend. This has led to a huge boom in both mortgage and home equity loan lending. That's not a bad thing; a record 69% of Americans now own their own homes. Owning a home is easier than ever; in 2004 the average down payment was a record low of only three percent."
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Before Selling Your Home

Before Selling Your Home: "Here are some important steps you should take before you put your house on the market:
1. Home Loan Approval for your next Home
You don't want to be signing a contract to sell your house before knowing if you are qualified to buy another. Your financial circumstances may have changed since your last purchase and you may not qualify for the loan amount you seek. You'll get a good idea of what you can afford by getting a pre-approval before selling your house. "
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Finding a Good Home Value in a Softening Economy

: "Despite a downward drift in the economy, housing experts don't see homebuyers gaining dominance over sellers in most communities anytime soon. Still, economists predict that buyers should enjoy more bargaining power when bidding on a property and that multiple bids for the same home will be less likely. 'These days if you ask for the moon, the stars and the sun, you might wind up with the moon and stars,' says Orwin Velz, a senior economist at Fannie Mae, a major source of home mortgage money"
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

How to pick a bank in today's financial climate

How to pick a bank in today's financial climate - Banks - Financial Services - Personal Finance: " Selecting a bank is tough today. Years ago, you could stick with one bank near your home and be assured of safety and great service. But today, good service, amid a labor shortage and constant mergers, is no guarantee. And fraud has emerged as a real concern.
So where do you start in your search for the utopian banking relationship?"
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Your Read About Flipping Properties - Read this article!

'Flippers' headed to prison: "The first of 30 people involved in a massive mortgage-fraud scheme hinging on sham home sales were sentenced to prison Monday and ordered to spend hundreds of hours helping the neighborhoods blighted by their crimes.
The sentences handed down against three defendants by U.S. District Judge Susan Dlott were the first in the government's lengthy investigation of illegal 'flipping' of homes financed by unwitting lenders."
Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.