Monday, June 06, 2005

Conventional Financing When Buying a Home Foreclosures

Conventional Financing For Wholesale Deals
By Lou Castillo

This info is very important for both new and experienced wholesalers, AND buyers of fixer-uppers, to carefully read and understand. We learned it painfully, hopefully you won't have to :-)

Often times we are asked by investors about using conventional financing for their investor deals. In other words, they want to go through a bank or other similar lending institution to purchase a fixer-upper from us, or another wholesaler. The obvious advantage is that rates are cheaper, and the loan origination fees (many times referred to as “points”) are both much less than “hard money” (loans from individuals or small institutions specifically for investor type properties, with rates ranging from 5 points and 15% interest to 10 points and 18% interest). There are, however, some obstacles to using conventional financing of which you must be aware.

First of all, these banking institutions will only loan on inhabitable, decent condition property. So if the property you are considering needs major repairs, forget this type of financing for the most part. Next is how you have structured the deal. Because of all of the recent frauds cases where banks have been burned, we have been unable to locate any conventional lenders willing to loan on a deal that has been “assigned” from the Buyer listed on the Purchase and Sales Agreement to a third party. They require that the Borrower be the Buyer named in the Agreement. And they absolutely will not fund the Assignment Fee.

You can get around this if you can live with either of these solutions:

1. The wholesaler re-writes the Agreement with the Seller listing the new Borrower as the Buyer. This solves the paperwork issue. The Buyer will still have to fund the Assignment fee with some other source of funds. The wholesaler in this scenario is not protected because none of the paperwork demonstrates his right to purchase the property, nor the assignment fee to be paid. A separate agreement would have to be established with all of the parties. You see how this can get very complicated and cumbersome. By the way, even if you have a cooperative Seller you can not just list the inflated price (original sales price plus Assignment Fee) on the Agreement with a stipulation that the Assignment Fee portion will be paid to the “Wholesaler” at closing, because then the wholesaler’s fee will show up on the Seller’s side of the Settlement Statement appearing as if he acted as a Real Estate Agent. Note: This may be OK if the “Wholesaler” is in fact an agent. They’d need to check with their Broker.

2. The wholesaler must become the owner of the property and in the chain of title. Then he can legitimately write an Agreement with the Buyer listing the full price of the property including the assignment fee. The wholesaler can accomplish this with a cooperative Seller using short term Seller financing, “subject to” financing, or a short term bridge loan from a home equity line or private lender (usually friend or family). As long as the loan-to-value (LTV) still fits their requirements, the banks will loan on the new purchase price – thus funding the assignment fee.

The other item to keep in mind when considering conventional financing is that it is relatively slow. Many mortgage brokers will tell you that their loans will be ready to close within 10 days to 2 weeks from submission. The reality is that they can only guarantee that they will process the loan and get it to a lender within a short period of time. With the current rush for refinances, most lenders’ underwriting departments are backlogged – and applications can get stuck there for a week or more. They will also issue conditions that must be met, then submitted back to underwriting for final approval. Then add another couple of days for the loan package to be prepared and sent to the attorney.

To be safe, you should count on three weeks to a month for a loan to close. If it closes sooner, you’ll be pleasantly surprised. If the deal doesn’t allow for that much time, you may want to consider alternative funding sources so you don’t lose it all because time has run out and the loan isn’t ready.

Conventional financing does have a place in wholesale deals. We’ve closed several ourselves – but it doesn’t work in all cases. You need to understand the process, and what will fly, and what will just kill the deal.

Best of success & abundance,

Lou Castillo

FREE! Real Estate Investing Secrets To Earning $100,000 Your 1st Year! -- 11 Overlooked Real Estate Statregies That Will Turn Your Investing Business upside Down And On The Fast Track TO Success...Guranteed! Plus A Bonus Track With A Secret So Successful It Can Double Your Investing Income Overnight!

Article Source:

Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Rehabbing after Buying a Home Foreclosures the Right Way

Rehab Foreclosed Houses the Right Way and Keep All the Profits!
By Thomas Kish

I've been teaching people how to buy foreclosure properties for a long time.

And we all make the biggest profits on the deals that we rehab the right way.

But this does NOT mean what you might think!

The right way to rehab any property is by using a new business credit card or business line of credit, NOT your personal cash.

Most new real estate investors leave a lot of money on the table when they quickly buy and sell foreclosed houses.

Why do they do this?

Because they cut corners on the rehab work when they exhaust their personal supply of cash.

It can be scary for some people to do the rehab the right way and SINK $50,000 of their own cash into a project. And then wait for the house to be sold.

But a rehabbed house with a nice JACUZZI style bath tub sells for much more than the cost to put one in.

Most people just don't have the money to do it right when they're starting out as investors.


Learn how easy it is to get business credit cards and business lines of credit.

Because you'll never run out of cash for your next rehab if you use my SYSTEM to set yourself up as the owner of a TRUE real estate business.

And by the way, you can use this cash to buy houses without going to the bank for a mortgage or you can use it for down payment money when you want traditional financing.


RIGHT NOW I am going to make you an irresistible offer!!!

I will teach you EXACTLY how to find real estate that is in foreclosure, AND I will give you my program HOW TO GET BUSINESS LINES OF CREDIT for FREE.

WOW, did I just say I would give you the system I created for getting new business lines of credit for FREE?

Yes I did!

When you get my complete home study 6 hour system for how to CASH in on real estate foreclosures, I will give you the MONEY SYSTEM for FREE.

And I will GIVE YOU the MONEY system for FREE.


Can you see how much money it's possible for you to make in real estate if you can get your hands on several nice business lines of credit.

This is the best loop hole available to the average investor.

When you use my business SYSTEM you can get invisible money.

It's invisible because it can't be reported on your personal credit score.

So no matter how much cash you use from these business lines of credit, no one will know!

My SYSTEM will even tell you exactly which 8 banks I use to get these business lines of credit.

This is my SECRET bank resource list I ONLY share with my clients.

Anything you want in life is possible when your making money in the real estate business!

I will guarantee your success or your money back. I will even personally teach you how to find these foreclosure deals with my LIVE telephone coaching.

YOU CANNOT LOSE with my help on the other end of the phone.

Sincerely, Thomas Kish. President of CashFlowExperts.Biz

Tom is a full time real estate investor. He has bought and sold over 5 million dollars worth of real estate in less than 2 years.

Tom is an expert in using new business lines of credit instead of cash to buy real estate. There is no one else teaching anything like this SYSTEM!

To learn more go to:

Article Source:

Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Buying a Home Foreclosures Investor Alert

Real Estate Investors - Red Alert
By Mark Walters

How's the real estate marketing doing? Is the huge jump in home prices that is evident in some areas symptoms of a value bubble? Good questions, yes?

Two things to keep in mind when surveying the market:

1. All real estate is local, 2. Real estate is cyclical.

Here in Arizona some residential areas have seen as much as a 30% jump in value in the last 8 to 12 months. The word about increasing Arizona home values has spread across the country. We recently sold a home to an out of state buyer who never looked at the property. His agent is just buying homes, because the buyer is sure prices will continue to escalate.

In the case of another of our houses a buyer offered $2,000 above our asking price on the day we posted a for sale sign on the property. We were asking more than we expected to get!

At the same time we received a telephone call from a relative living in California. He was very excited because his brother-in-law was sure he would get rich by buying a couple of Arizona homes. Should her do the same, he asked?

Such events have all the earmarks of a price bubble... if only in Arizona. On the other hand...

On a recent trip to Buffalo, New York, the local newspaper ran a story explaining that home sales were up. In the same article it revealed that the median price of a home had dropped. In other words, people are hurrying to buy homes that are dropping value. There's more...

Mortgage Banker's Association data shows that adjustable-rate and interest-only mortgages accounted for nearly two-thirds of mortgage originations in the second half of last year.

Loans of that type help push up housing prices, because they carry lower initial monthly payments, enabling borrowers to purchase more expensive homes. Basic economics... if more people can buy homes there is more demand... More demand means higher prices.

The rise of interest-only loans, coupled with acceptable higher debt levels for borrowers and tightened bankruptcy laws will probably soon lead to an increase in foreclosures.

If you are buying a home with an interest only loan and the value of that home drops... it is very easy for the borrower to just walk away from the payments. After all, they've built no equity in the property.

Both the Clinton and Bush administrations have pushed a policy of low interest rates and easy mortgage loan qualifying. If every voter has a home they are happy and will vote for the party in power seems to be the limit of political thought.

The truth may be that the government is setting people up for failure and financial pain. Far to many people are buying homes they really can't afford. When interest rates rise... as they surely will... all those adjustable rate loans will act like debt-traps. Interest rates will go up while wages remain stagnate. The result? More foreclosures and financial ruin for many.

There are international forces at work that will not continue to support our government's wild spending habits by buying its low interest bonds. Interest rates must rise. sooner or later?

Bubble or normal cycle... it makes little difference. If you are an investor consider selling some of your properties to raise cash for the awesome opportunities ahead. You know, buy low - sell high.

In our opinion, there is still profit opportunity if you buy at least 30% below current market value... with owner financing.

Prepare now for the coming wave of preforeclosure opportunity. We recommend the guide to preforeclosure profits you will find here

About The Author: Mark Walters is an investor-entrepreneur helping other investors from his Web pages at

Article Source:

Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.

Buying a Home Pre-foreclosures Insight

So, You Wanna Buy Pre-Foreclosures?
By Lou Castillo

So you wanna buy pre-foreclosures? or at the courthouse steps? So many people ask us about this. Here's our '30 second seminar' on it. If you're going to buy PRE-foreclosures--after the seller is behind on her payments, but before the lender's auction date-then there are some pros and cons to consider.

Pros: 1) you've got a good possibility of buying the house subject-to the loan from a very motivated seller who just wants out. 2) you don't need to do any marketing, just read the foreclosure notices (more on this later), pull some comps and do drive-bys. 3) There are several *thousand* foreclosures published each month, in the greater Atlanta area-plenty to choose from.

Cons: 1) You've only got about 3 weeks (to beat the courthouse auction) to contact homeowners and get signed contracts, title work, funding, etc. 2) Most pre-fc homeowners are in denial about their situation and/or mad at the world due to all their stress and debt collection calls they get. Soooo, they're usually not very open or friendly to you and your offer. 3) Most really good deals are redeemed (caught up) by the homeowner, and the foreclosure cancelled, just before the courthouse auction.

Say you decide to jump in and 'play the PRE-foreclosure game'. We'd recommend you subscribe to the Atlanta Foreclosure Report at (about $600/yr and we don't receive any commission for recommending them), and get the monthly list online. Also, consider doing a lot of bold, cut through the clutter mailings to the pre-foreclosures you're considering, to get their attention and have them call you. Remember, their mailbox and answering machine is filled with debt collection stuff. You need to stand out, and hit them often. You might want to mail a different neon postcard or lumpy mail (trash can, stick of dynamite, handcuffs, etc.) *every few days*, until they've grown to like you or are curious enough to call you.

If you choose to skip pre-foreclosure and actually buy foreclosures at the courthouse steps-then you're dealing with the foreclosing attorney and the lender, not the homeowner. The biggest things to keep in mind is you're expected to pay all cash by the END of the auction day; you'll have to run your own title exam in advance; and you'll probably have to guess what condition of home interior is since homeowner may not have let you inside. Another option is to buy the note/mortgage for cash at a deep discount, direct from the lender, prior to the courthouse auction. You don't have to deal with the homeowner that way, but you do have to have access to funds, and you will still have to do your own foreclosure after you buy the mortgage.

Best of success & abundance,

Lou Castillo

FREE! Real Estate Investing Secrets To Earning $100,000 Your 1st Year! -- 11 Overlooked Real Estate Statregies That Will Turn Your Investing Business upside Down And On The Fast Track TO Success...Guranteed! Plus A Bonus Track With A Secret So Successful It Can Double Your Investing Income Overnight!

Article Source:

Buying a Home Foreclosures- Buying a home foreclosures makes you generate quick profit. Step-by-step process in buying a home foreclosures for quick cash.