Sunday, January 29, 2006

The College Catch

The college catch - January 29, 2006: "Thinking of quitting your job and going back to school?
Thousands of Americans do that every year, but for many, finding the necessary money is a stretch. So, as they run their hungry eyes across what assets they have, their gaze often alights on their 401(k) retirement savings accounts.
But while Congress seems to have envisioned cases in which workers might need to tap retirement savings to pay for school, it provided only its usual haphazard, disjointed help.
Thus, workers who want to tap their retirement accounts must be careful to do it the right way, or they may find themselves subject to early-withdrawal penalties that eat up 10 percent of the money they pulled out for school. The same thing can happen to workers who tap their accounts to buy a first home."
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