Saturday, November 26, 2005

New REI First deals gone bad

New REI First deals gone bad: "Hello all,

First I must say I like this site. Very helpful and I thank the people that post and keep things moving.

I am about to lose my First 2 properties I invested in as a REI. I'd hate to go into the long story of what happened but I got screwed and the people I purchased the properties from I feel knew I was a new REI and took advantage of me and my wife.

Long story short we invested in 2 houses that they sold us and being new we didn't ralize these properties were not the best to invest in so its been over 5 months and we are unable to rent the properties to anyone, the area is that bad. I am just about out of money to pay the mortgages.

Now im stuck with 2 prooerties I cant sell or rent out and the perfect credit I built most of my life is about to be ruined.

My question is if I cant get anyone into the properties or sell them, what happens next? I know it's a silly question but I am about to be in a world of hell as far as my credit goes. I really like the idea of REI. I have learned a lot in this terrible "
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