Thursday, October 13, 2005

Thirty-somethings face home-buying problems

The Latest National News Updated Hourly: "Increasing house prices could leave one in three thirty-somethings unable to afford to buy their own homes, unless house-building increases, the Office of the Deputy Prime Minister has warned.
According to figures released by the ODPM, if current building rates continue, the proportion of thirty-something couples able to afford their own home by 2026 would fall to a third, compared to half the couples today and two thirds in the late Eighties.
Currently, 71% of households in the UK are homeowners, but 90% say they would like to own their own home at some point.
However, according to the Survey of English Housing 2004/05, the number of households belonging to those under 30 years of age with a mortgage fell from 40% to 36% between 2000 and 2004.
The ODPM also found that 23% of first-time buyers are relying on gifts and family loans in order to afford a deposit, compared to just 4% twenty-five years ago."
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